Thursday, September 1, 2011

More homework!

This was the picture I chose to work on, a la carte three ways.
It was my personal favorite out of all the images I took on campus and I was very interested in seeing how it looked once it was black an white and editted. So, here it goes:

This was "light" with my levels leaning heavily on the black side and no contrast/brightness added. It's not really my favorite, but the point was to do it three different ways, so someone has to take the fall, and in my homework's case- it was this guy.

Now this one was done in the "luminosity", which on my classwork assignment I absolutely loved, but as you can see, this guy turned out alot like my other. I was again leaning toward the darker side on my levels in an attempt to really bring out the details of the stone. I did not succeed, however, in the exact way that I wanted to. I think this was a success as a black and white in general, but still not my favorite. So with each picture I did it brought me ever closer to my ultimate goal.

This kid right here.

This picture is my favorite. I pulled up the white a little and left the black alone. I thought this would make the sun look faded and unrespectable in the since of detail, but it was the opposite affect. In the center picture of my three, the sun was a second thought, all of the white shades were actually, but in this I thought that maybe if I focused on the contrast of the white, the black details I was trying to get to pop would come through in there own time, and they did. The stone isn't the predominate thing in this picture to me, which I don't mind, because the reason I picked this picture out of all those I had taken was because of the sun and the shadows on the grass, not the stonework. I'm completely happy with the way the shadows turned out in this and pleased with myself that I didn't sell out the sun to please the minor detail.
I know they all kind of look the same, but the more you stare at a black and white picture, the more you'll see that they're really different. I was seeing in shades of dark and light after working on this. It was intense.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

First post

My name is Kara Barnhart. I go to Bethel University. My major is English, but I've always been way into art, so I'm taking as many art electives as possible. I'm totally focused on graduating as soon as possible but cramming as much fun stuff in while I go. My dream since I was a kid was- get a tattoo license and work in a shop and love my job for the rest of forever. It's a process, but I've gotten the stone rolling. So in short, the classes I'm taking at Bethel are going to help me with both my goal (graduation with a degree), and my dream. I'm taking this photography class to help beef up my tattoo portfolio. Portfolios don't just cover one medium, they're about art itself and how you see and your particular perspective on things; and photography is another tool to use in my opinion.
So, this is my photography blog. I'll be posting things about the class and my art along the way. I hope you really enjoy it!