Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Depth of Field and Motion shots

Depth of field down a road in the early morning sun


Sky full of lighters?


The ninja dance with lights

Depth of field. Literally.

We had joy we had fun, we had seasons in the sun

This is my absolute favorite motion shot. A car and a motor bike passed in front of me.

I had a lot of fun with this homework assignment. I wish I would have had more personal time to go out and find more places to shoot, but this is definitely a style I would like to hold onto!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Andrew Pearce

Absolutely beautiful. I don't know what his style is called, but I want it. This is the kind of photographer I hope to one day be like. Seriously.
Please go check him out here-> http://www.krop.com/andrewpearce/

and this is an example of his work


This guy is amazing. I don't tend to lean toward photos that have human subjects, but this guy can take a person and make them an additive to the environment instead of stifling the environment for the person. His shots are awesome! Check him out here >> http://scarabuss.deviantart.com/

example of his work:

Depth of Field

Recently we've been talking about depth of field, motion and color. I've been reeping pictures as often as possible and will start the process today of selecting my favorites to play with and enhance. So I don't actually have any of my own work to post at the current time, but until then- here's some examples of depth of field, something I am most definitely interest in!